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Overview of Indica and Sativa and their basic differences
Angela LydonDec 18, 2023 6:21:06 AM4 min read

Exploring Different Cannabis Strains

Cannabis Strains

Cannabis strains refer to different varieties or cultivars of the Cannabis plant, each having its unique combination of characteristics such as appearance, aroma, flavor, and effects. These distinctions are the result of selective breeding to emphasize certain traits or properties. The two main species of cannabis, Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica, along with Cannabis ruderalis, are often crossbred to create hybrids with diverse effects and cannabinoid profiles.

The term "strain" is commonly used to describe a specific genetic variant or lineage within the cannabis plant. Each strain may have a different ratio of cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD) and terpenes, which contribute to the overall effects and sensory qualities of the plant. Cannabis strains can be categorized into various types, each believed to induce specific effects, such as relaxation, euphoria, or increased energy.

Consumers often choose cannabis strains based on their desired outcomes, whether for recreational use or medicinal purposes, as different strains may offer distinct therapeutic benefits. The popularity and availability of specific strains can vary by region and legal regulations.

If you use marijuana often using different methods, it’s likely you know of commonly used or highly rated cannabis strains. If you are new to cannabis, this means that there are different breeds or types to use. The way you use cannabis, such as for recreational use to feel more social around others or for medicinal reasons, different strains can benefit you in various ways. Studies show that over time, over a thousand cannabis strains have been created. 

Here is a deeper look at some of the different types of strains and how they affect the user. 

Overview of Indica and Sativa and their basic differences  

Indica and Sativa are some of the most popular types of cannabis. Indica and Sativa are subspecies of cannabis plants and are mostly grown by cultivators. Indica is a better option for someone who is looking for more relaxation in their routine and to reduce stress. It can help promote better sleep and increase appetite. If the person is interested in using Indica medically, it can help to relieve pain from various conditions. For someone looking to optimize their creativity and boost their energy, Sativa is a better option. Sativa can help someone focus more throughout the day, provide energy, and create a general feeling of happiness. 

Hybrid options for cannabis users 

While Indica and Sativa both provide different types of highs and benefits to the user, some may turn to a hybrid strain. This is the result of combining Indica and Sativa, yet strains can be more dominant with one type or the other. This combination can be created by cultivators who breed male and female plants of Indica and Sativa together during growth. There are various benefits to combining the two. 

Best Cannabis Strains 2023

Popular and highly rated types of hybrid cannabis strains in 2023

  • Runtz
  • Blue Dream 
  • Cookies & Cream
  • GG4 
  • Dosidos

Popular, highly rated, and well-known Indica strains 

  • Purple Punch
  • The Original Z 
  • Kushberry 
  • Bubba Kush 
  • Purple Swish

Popular and highly rated types of Sativa cannabis strains in 2023

  • Cirrus 
  • Pagoda 
  • Fruit Smash 
  • Green Caffeine 
  • Tesla Tower

Between the different strains and combinations, there is a lot to explore within the cannabis industry. 

For more details on cannabis, cultivation, or the overall industry, check out today. 


  1. What is the best cannabis strain for pain?

    The choice of the best cannabis strain for pain can vary among individuals. Some popular options include ACDC, Harlequin, and Blueberry Kush, known for their potential analgesic properties and balanced cannabinoid profiles. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to find the strain that suits your specific needs.
  2. How many cannabis strains are there?

    The number of cannabis strains is continually growing with ongoing breeding efforts. There are thousands of documented strains, each with its unique combination of cannabinoids and terpenes. The exact count may be challenging due to the constant development of new hybrids and variations.
  3. How to cross cannabis strains?

    Crossing cannabis strains involves selectively breeding two different strains to create a new hybrid with desired traits. This process typically involves selecting male and female plants, controlling pollination, and carefully monitoring the genetics of the offspring. Expertise in horticulture and genetics is crucial for successful strain crossing.
  4. How to crossbreed cannabis strains?

    Crossbreeding cannabis strains involves intentionally mating plants from different genetic backgrounds to create a hybrid with specific characteristics. This process requires selecting parent plants with desired traits, understanding genetics, and carefully controlling the breeding environment to ensure the desired outcomes in the offspring.
  5. What cannabis strain is best for migraines?

    Migraine relief varies among individuals, but some strains are reported to help alleviate symptoms. Strains with a balanced ratio of THC and CBD, such as Harlequin, or those high in CBD like Cannatonic, have been suggested for their potential anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It's essential to experiment cautiously and, if possible, consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.


(2023). Indica vs Sativa. Cresco Labs. Retrieved November 13, 2023, from

Magrabi, T. (2023, January 1). What Is Hybrid Cannabis? Leafwell. Retrieved November 13, 2023, from

(2022, June 9). Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid strains: Understanding the differences between weed types. Leafly. Retrieved November 13, 2023, from

(2023). Leafly's best hybrid strains of 2023. Leafly. Retrieved November 13, 2023, from


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